My goodness, we can be tough on ourselves. I can still remember how angry I’d get looking in the mirror, “how did I let this happen!?” The sunken confidence, the avoiding eye-contact with strangers, the tedious, painful pimple-popping sessions. While it’s over, the scars are still there. Literally and figuratively. I have acne scars on my cheeks and chin where little blackheads love to live (how lovely, right?). And I can still feel my stomach drop when I see new blemishes form from poor diet/lifestyle. But I also love my scars. They remind me how God damn powerful I am. How I am full of will and faith. Of curiosity and intuition. It’s my hope that you see similar qualities in your emotional and physical acne scars. We’re not just after clear skin, were after a far deeper lesson.
Takeaway: Consider the power in the emotional and physical scars acne sometimes leaves behind.
I’d be lying if I said I don’t have to be more careful than most. I still read the ingredients of everything that goes on my skin and in my body. The difference is now I know I have room to play. To enjoy the Fehttuchini Alfredo’s of life and know all my hard work won’t come undone. Plus, through this whole crazy journey, I found an even softer spot for taking care of my body. I love feeding it with exercise, whole foods, and meditation despite my skin. I think that’s the deeper lesson. To rewire life a little so that out wants (balanced lifestyle) and needs (clear skin) align.
I’d love to know about your experience post acne-journey! What do you do to maintain a clear complexion?