The cystic clusters that lived on my cheeks and chin for three years were like powerful glaciers, slowly weathering my skin to create shallow but noticeable valleys. Tourists are less interested in standing around these landmarks with cameras. It’s just me, and maybe you, in the mirror every evening examining the aftermath of a natural phenomenon.
Read MoreWhen my QiGong mentor told me to eat mung bean soup for my acne, I was like, never heard of it, but okay. Then my boyfriend told me his Chiropractor and Doctor of Chinese Medicine told him to eat mung beans for his eczema I was like, Holy. Shit.
Read MoreHealing acne naturally will introduce you the truest most sparkly version of yourself. But here are some tools to help when the work gets rocky. Because it will.
Read MoreThis four-year-long journey taught Angelica a thing or two about self-care. She put her autoimmune disease into remission and cleared her stubborn acne (save for the few PMS breakouts) using these four natural mindful methods.
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